X-RAY (CT) scanning and measurement

 Always benefiting form the cutting-edge technology (software and hardware) of the German manufacturer ZEISS, we offer metrology services using computerized tomography (X-Ray scanning).

High-performance X-ray industrial scanning for your company.

INMAACRO and ZEISS METROTOM 1500 scan your every component, in Brașov

METROTOM 1500 is a high-performance X-ray tomograph designed to provide detailed three-dimensional images of parts and components. This advanced tool uses X-rays to visualize internal details without affecting the integrity of the part.

Types of applications

Dimensional measurement

Using computerized tomography, you can obtain precise measurements of three-dimensional parts, including standard geometry and freeform surfaces. This can help ensure compliance with technical specifications and tolerances.

Masurare Dimensionala F

3D comparison between the actual Part and CAD model

Computerized tomography allows you to compare the actual part with the CAD model in a three-dimensional manner. Using color maps, you can identify and assess any discrepancies between the final product and the original design.

Comparatie 3 D Utilizand Harta Culorilor  F

Non-destructive inspection of internal parts 

With the help of this technology, porosities, inclusions, hidden defects, or assembly issues can be detected without destroying the part.

Analiza Porozitati Si Incluziuni F

Analysis of wall thickness in parts

Computerized tomography can be used to measure the thickness of walls in components or parts, which is crucial in the aerospace, medical, or manufacturing of components with strict wall thickness specifications

Reverese Engineering

The data obtained from scanning can be used to create accurate CAD models of existing parts. This process is necessary for recreating or modifying existing parts or for developing new products based on existing components.

Zeiss Reverse Engineering F

Beneficiile tomografiei industriale:

Vizualizare detaliată

Obține imagini clare și precise ale structurii interne, inclusiv a ansamblelor complexe.

Detectare defecte

Identifică defecte, fisuri, neregularități, incluziuni și porozități invizibile cu ochiul liber.

Inspecții non-invazive

Realizează inspectii ale pieselor ansamblate fără a distruge sau degrada piesele componente.

Optimizare procese

Datele precise obținute oferă suport pentru îmbunătățirea și dezvoltarea proceselor de producție.

Măsurători precise

Realizează măsurători exacte ale dimensiunilor și geometriei componentelor.

Application fields

Processing industry

  • Light metal parts
  • Composite parts
  • Alloy parts
  • Plastic components.

Automotive industry

  • Gearboxes and engines
  • Aluminum casted parts
  • Chassis components
  • Dashboard components

Aerospace industry

  • Turbine blades
  • Electrical components
  • Electronic components
  • Casted parts

Medical industry

  • Syringes
  • Implants
  • Inhalers
  • Pacemakers

Electronic industry

  • Connectors
  • Batteries
  • Accumulators
  • PCB boards

Tehnologie avansată și fiabilă cu raze X

ZEISS Computed Tomography

ZEISS solutions in scanning plastic parts

Benefit now from high-performance X-ray scans.

INMAACRO and ZEISS METROTOM 1500 can scan any component for you in Brasov.

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