3D measurement and Reverse engineering

With extensive experience spanning over 27 years and utilizing state-of-the-art technology from the German company ZEISS, we offer high-precision and high-quality 3D tactile and optical measurements, X-ray scanning, and reverse engineering services.

Discover new opportunities through our reverse engineering service

With advanced technologies and a dedicated specialist team, we guarantee precise digital solutions for your specific needs.

CAD model for any part regardless of its complexity

Standard geometric shapes:

With the help of the complex functions of the supplied software, we can create new shapes, extract certain parts of the part from the whole and adjust the desired parts.

Free surfaces:

We can obtain extremely precise free-form surfaces after scanning your parts.

Irregular shapes:

Precise reshaping of irregular shapes with the help of special ZEISS tools.


Document retrieval

Sometimes, the original documentation of a product or component may be lost or outdated. Reverse engineering can be used to recreate or obtain relevant data and documentation about the product or component in question.

Spare parts for a product

When spare parts for a product are hard to find or no longer available, reverse engineering can be used to recreate these parts or compatible replacement components.

Academic purposes

Reverse engineering can be a learning or research activity used in the academic environment to better understand the design principles, technologies, and processes behind existing products.

Do you need 3D measurement or Reverse engineering services? 

Contact us now to discuss with a specialist!

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Technology Expo 2024

Technology Expo & B2B Meetings | 30.05.2024

Descoperă tehnologiile de vârf a unora dintre cele mai mari companii producatoare de mașini-unelte, mașini de măsurare și control, scule așchietoare, accesorii și software.

Zeiss  Soluții Complete De Inspecție Și Scanare 3 D

ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 25.04.2024

Pe data de 25 aprilie 2024, experții în calitate din toate colțurile țării iși dau întâlnire la Timișoara. Rezervați-vă și dumneavoastră locul acum...


Qid Key Visual Date

ZEISS Quality Innovation Days - Eveniment online |15-19 aprilie 2024

O săptămână plină de inovații și perspective vă așteaptă la primul eveniment digital global de anul acesta de la ZEISS.

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