TNL20 - Precision Automatic Turning Machine for High-Performance Manufacturing


  • Concurrent operation with 2, 3, or 4 tools
  • Extensive tool inventory for user-friendly setup
  • Rapid tool changes facilitated by CNC indexing axes in tool turrets and front working attachment
  • Spacious and dependable work area
  • Smart automation via integrated robot cell iXcenter

Machine Concept

The machine concept of the TNL20 has been systematically tailored to meet the user's daily requirements. Consequently, the machine's kinematics enable efficient and simultaneous machining with two or three tools. The generously designed vertical workspace allows for the necessary degrees of freedom and ensures very high process reliability.

The machine's critical productivity advantage is a result of its exceptionally high dynamics. The newly developed machine bed, made of gray cast iron, serves as the foundation for superior vibration damping properties. Its high rigidity and thermal stability further guarantee optimal workpiece quality.


Csm Tnl20 001 0c0f754988
Csm Tnl20 002 7444756d61
Csm Tnl20 003 84ab05b24e
Csm Tnl20 004 5e6727bb31
Csm Tnl20 005 Da7a687385
Csm Tnl20 006 B299f469b9


Simultaneous and precise manufacturing with up to three tools


Version with the additional B-axis for highly complex parts.


with additional front attachment - with four tools produce simultaneously, precisely and even more economically

iXcenter Robotic Cell

Enhanced automation for greater flexibility and efficiency

The optional robotic cell streamlines the supply and removal of blanks and finished parts with speed, safety, and flexibility. This ergonomically integrated robotic system can be conveniently shifted to the left during setup, ensuring unimpeded access to the machine's work area. During production, the robot cell is securely positioned in front of the machine's work area, accessing it through the machine's automatically opening sliding guard.

Efficient Handling of Blanks and Finished Parts

  • A compact vertical storage system accommodates up to 14 pallets
  • Blanks are loaded onto the top pallets, while finished parts are retrieved from the bottom
  • The robot efficiently retrieves pallets
  • The pallet storage system operates with 25.4 mm increments, optimizing efficiency
  • Macro-programming simplifies operations

Expanding Possibilities

The space above the vertical storage can be utilized for subsequent processes like cleaning, measuring, and deburring

Preparation for integrating a fully automatic 3D measuring cell is included as standard

Closed-loop process control is supported

Statistical Process Control (SPC) parts output and identification of Non-Conforming (NOK) parts are available.

Technical data TNL20-9

Caracteristică Valoare
Main spindle  
Bar capacity 20 mm
Speed max. 10,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 5.73 Nm / 10.5 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Slide travel Z (swiss / non-swiss type) 205 mm / 80 mm
Rapid traverse Z 20 m/min
Counter spindle  
Bar capacity 20 mm
Speed max. 10,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 5.7 Nm / 10.5 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Slide travel X, rapid traverse 235.5 mm / 20 m/min
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 258 mm / 40 m/min
Tool carrier 1  
Number of stations 8
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 1.0 kW / 2.0 kW
Slide travel X, rapid traverse 120 mm / 20 m/min
Slide travel Y, rapid traverse +/- 25.4 mm / 20 m/min
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 254 mm / 40 m/min
Tool carrier 2  
Number of stations 8
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 1.0 kW / 2.0 kW
Slide travel X, rapid traverse 120 mm / 20 m/min
Slide travel Y, rapid traverse +/- 25.4 mm / 20 m/min
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 155 mm / 40 m/min
Dimensions, weight, connecting power  
Weight 5,000 kg
Connecting power 40 kW
Controls TRAUB
  TRAUB TX8i-s V8

Technical data TNL20-9B

Component Parameter Value
Main Spindle Bar Capacity 20 mm
  Max Speed 10,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
  Torque at 100% / 40% 5.73 Nm / 10.5 Nm
  C Axis Resolution 0.001 degree
  Slide Travel Z (Swiss/Non-Swiss) 205 mm / 80 mm
  Rapid Traverse Z 20 m/min
Counter Spindle Bar Capacity 20 mm
  Max Speed 10,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
  Torque at 100% / 40% 5.73 Nm / 10.5 Nm
  C Axis Resolution 0.001 degree
  Slide Travel X, Rapid Traverse 235.5 mm
  Slide Travel Z, Rapid Traverse 258 mm / 40 m/min
Tool Carrier 1 Number of Stations 8
  Max Speed 8,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 40% 1.0 kW / 2.0 kW
  Slide Travel X, Rapid Traverse 165 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide Travel Y, Rapid Traverse +/- 25.4 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide Travel Z, Rapid Traverse 567.5 mm / 40 m/min
  B-Axis Swivel Angle 105 degrees
Tool Carrier 2 Number of Stations 8
  Max Speed 12,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 25% 1.5 kW / 4.1 kW
  Slide Travel X, Rapid Traverse 120 mm
  Slide Travel Y, Rapid Traverse +/- 25.4 mm
  Slide Travel Z, Rapid Traverse 155 mm
Dimensions, Weight, Connecting Power Weight 5,000 kg
  Connecting Power 40 kW
Controls   TRAUB TX8i-s V8

Technical data TNL20-11

Component Parameter Value
Main Spindle Bar capacity 20 mm
  Max speed 10,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
  Torque at 100% / 40% 5.7 Nm / 10.5 Nm
  C axis resolution 0.001 degree
  Slide travel Z (swiss / non-swiss type) 205 mm / 80 mm
  Rapid traverse Z 20 m/min
Counter Spindle Bar capacity 20 mm
  Max speed 10,000 rpm
  Power at 100% / 40% 3.0 kW / 5.5 kW
  Torque at 100% / 40% 5.7 Nm / 10.5 Nm
  C axis resolution 0.001 degree
  Slide travel X, rapid traverse 210 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 258 mm / 40 m/min
Tool Carrier 1 Number of stations 8
  Max speed 12,000 rpm
  Power max 4.1 kW
  Slide travel X, rapid traverse 120 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Y, rapid traverse ±25.4 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 205 mm / 40 m/min
Tool Carrier 2 Number of stations 8
  Max speed 12,000 rpm
  Power max 4.1 kW
  Slide travel X, rapid traverse 120 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Y, rapid traverse ±25.4 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 155 mm / 40 m/min
Front Working Attachment Number of stations 6
  Max speed 12,500 rpm
  Power max 2.0 kW
  Slide travel X, rapid traverse 51 mm / 20 m/min
  Slide travel Z, rapid traverse 205 mm / 40 m/min
  Slide travel Y, rapid traverse ±13 mm / -
Dimensions, Weight, Connecting Power Weight 5,400 kg
  Connecting power 40 kW
Controls   TRAUB TX8i-s V7, TX8i-s V8

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