SEI JT Series - High-performance gravity filter for machining applications


  1. Gravity filter with fabric.
  2. High-pressure pump for the spindle line.
  3. Electric control panel for remote machine tool interface.
  4. Tank with wheels for clean coolant collection.
  5. Safety valve assembly, pressure switch, and pressure gauge.


Arrangement of the M8 external adduction pump

Magnetic pre-filter

Technical Data

 MODEL JT 30/50-V
JT 30/70-V
JT 40/50-V
JT 40/70-V
JT 60/50-V
JT 60/70-V
JT 30/30-V-2T
JT 30/50-V-2T
JT 30/70-V-2T
 Performance 30 Lpm -50 bar
30 Lpm -70 bar
40 Lpm -50 bar
40 Lpm -70 bar
60 Lpm -50 bar
60 Lpm -70 bar
2 x 30 Lpm -30 bar
2 x 30 Lpm -50 bar
2 x 30 Lpm -70 bar
 Tank capacity 500 l 500 l 500 l  700 l
 Pump type (kW) Screw (4 kW) (5.5 kW) Screw (5.5 kW) (7.5 kW) Screw (7.5 kW) (11 kW) 2 screws
(3 kW) (4 kW) (5.5 kW)


1.14 MB

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