ZEISS Contura - Premier Four-Axis Measurement Performance

Effortlessly switch between sensor technologies and enjoy innovative features like a four-axis rotary table, ensuring precision and adaptability for today's needs and tomorrow's challenges.


Flexibility through Mass Technology

The ZEISS CONTURA encompasses a wide array of sensors, ensuring the availability of the ideal sensor or sensor system for every application and demand. Leveraging MASS technology, it allows for the high-precision operation and swift replacement of a multitude of ZEISS sensors on a single measuring machine. Whether it's sensors with a movable probe holder or a fixed probe setup, optical or tactile, passive or active, ZEISS CONTURA delivers unparalleled flexibility.

Optical Sensors

ZEISS CONTURA seamlessly integrates the capabilities of both tactile and optical measurement tasks into a single device: from 2D image sensors to chromatic white light sensors to triangulation lasers. With ZEISS CONTURA, the realm of optical sensors is newly explored.


ZEISS CONTURA enables a significant reduction in measurement time while ensuring consistent and dependable accuracy. This assurance is backed by features like ZEISS VAST navigator or ZEISS VAST performance when used in tandem with ZEISS VAST measuring heads.


Compact measuring environments demand adaptability from a measuring device. By optimizing the height and width of the CMM and incorporating well-designed ergonomic features, users can work comfortably."

Prepared for the Future

ZEISS CONTURA is well-prepared for Industry 4.0. The ZEISS Smart Services suite of digital services enables real-time monitoring of the device's performance, even while on the go.


As measurement challenges evolve, so do the size demands for various applications. To accommodate these shifting needs for larger workpieces, ZEISS CONTURA will be offered in the sizes 12/18/10 and 12/24/10.


HTG (High Temperature Gradient)

Even broader temperature ranges pose no obstacle for ZEISS CONTURA with the HTG option (High Temperature Gradient). The utilization of floating glass ceramic scales ensures that the new ZEISS CONTURA remains resilient in the face of thermal fluctuations, ensuring temperature stability and consistent measuring accuracy.

Rotary Table

The newly introduced adaptable rotary table can be installed within the measuring area as a surface-mounted configuration when required, and it can be effortlessly repositioned outside of the measuring zone as needed. This feature facilitates measurements in four axes.

ProMax E

With the ProMax E option, ZEISS provides an automated probe exchange magazine, ensuring uninterrupted utilization of the entire measuring volume during the exchange procedure. It automatically enters the measuring area and securely and precisely replaces the probe systems.

Ready for All Sensors

ZEISS DotScan - Enhanced Illumination on the Subject

ZEISS DotScan presents an exceptional choice for capturing intricate surfaces, including fine structures. Through the utilization of the chromatic white light sensor, highly reflective surfaces, such as metal components in knee implants, can be scanned without the requirement of contrast agents. This capability extends to distinguishing transparent lacquered surfaces from concealed metallic layers.

ZEISS LineScan - Point Clouds at Lightning Speed

ZEISS LineScan is the ideal solution when it comes to swiftly capturing comprehensive surface details through point clouds – be it for comparing with existing nominal CAD datasets or generating a new CAD model. ZEISS LineScan operates with remarkable speed, capturing up to 450,000 points per second for rapid digitization. These brief measurement durations result in a significant boost in productivity.

ZEISS ViSCAN - Spotlight Two Dimensions

The employment of optical sensors is essential for intricate specimens, and this is precisely where the ZEISS ViScan optical 2D image sensor excels. ZEISS ViScan is characterized by its exceptional versatility: when combined with RDS, it enables measurements in all spatial orientations without the need for repositioning the part. Additionally, a variety of lenses are at your disposal.

ZEISS XDT - Precision in Every Probing Direction

Through an exceptional blend of technical attributes, the ZEISS XDT multi-point sensor caters to a diverse array of applications and guarantees superior precision across all probing directions. Substituting touch-trigger sensors, ZEISS XDT enhances operational safety and measurement accuracy.

ZEISS VAST XT gold - Embarking on the Active Scanning Frontier

The VAST XT gold series of active sensors assumes a pivotal role in any metrology task where supreme precision is required, especially with extensive stylus configurations. Beyond active scanning capabilities, this sensor facilitates single-point measurements. For instance, it empowers the versatile deployment of intricate stylus configurations and offers self-centering functionality.

ZEISS VAST XXT - The Scanning Sensor for Precision Measurements

ZEISS VAST XXT enables exceptionally precise scanning with the RDS articulating probe holder. In contrast to touch-trigger sensors, ZEISS VAST XXT enhances both operational safety and measurement accuracy. Moreover, it introduces scanning capabilities, offering valuable insights into the shape of features.

Documents and brochures

Gear Metrology Specifications EN
562 kB
ZEIS CONTURA Product Report EN
1.37 MB
ZEISS CONTURA Product Launch Flyer EN
1.42 MB
Contura Accessories
591 kB

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